Acupuncture to improve fertility is not new, but modern acupuncture research is beginning to support what thousands of years of babies have already shown. Whether you’ve already been through IUI or IVF, have ovulatory dysfunction, painful of irregular periods, or have just started ”trying” and want to support your body’s natural fertility, Seattle Fertility Acupuncture can help you.
Nourish the mother to nourish the child
Fertility acupuncture, like any kind of acupuncture seeks to restore balance to your body. We work to nourish your body and create rich, healthy environment to support a pregnancy and birth. If you are going through a medicated cycle you will also benefit from our acupuncture programs.
Choosing an Acupuncturist
Many practitioners of east Asian Medicine claim to treat fertility yet have very little additional training, clinical or personal experience. they may also have a limited understanding of Western Medicine. At Seattle Fertility Acupuncture we understand that this is one of the most important journeys in you and your family’s life. We support and optimize all aspects of your wellness. Let us help you create a fertile space in your life. All of our acupuncturists have postgraduate training in fertility and several are Fellows of the Acupuncture Board of Reproductive Medicine (FABORM). We have years of experience helping men and women on their fertility journey.
In addition, our massage therapists are certified in abdominal massage for fertility and prenatal massage.
Located inside Glow Natural Health, Seattle Fertility Acupuncture offers many additional services to optimize your fertility. We can assist you on your fertility journey. We are proud to be the first clinic in the Seattle area to offer Low Level Laser for fertility as well. Check out our product line Glow Roots and Bloom. Specially designed for fertility, pregnancy and postpartum care.
Your children are not your children.They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.They come through you but not from you. -Kahlil Gibran